Lambeth leads the way on national Blue Badge Action Day Misuse of a Blue Badge disabled parking permit is a crime, and Lambeth took the lead on a national day of action against it.
Lambeth and partners launch The Crescent Learning Disability Resource Centre The Crescent learning disability resource centre not only takes over from Lambeth Walk day service but includes new housing, respite care, and a cafe and shop.
Lambeth sets out new plans for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities The SEND Local Offer joins up help and support services such as Education, Health and Social Care for children and for adults. The Local Offer is launched alongside, and...
Constructing a centre for people with disabilities on Coburg Crescent Lambeth councillors and Officers visited ‘The Crescent’ which will be the new home for a range of services for adults with disabilities. The centre will include the provision of...
Bring the library home Lambeth’s library home visit service doesn’t just change books – they listen to people’s needs and help to overcome isolation.
We are 336 Open Day Lambeth is home to London’s biggest disability hub – and their Open Day on September 18 gives everyone the chance to find out more about who’s there, who they’re...
Lambeth charity makes waves DASL’s weekly radio show gives disabled people the chance to speak out about the health benefits of getting back into swimming and exercise with the Lambeth charity’s help.
Employment support for people with disabilities Even if getting back to work isn’t an immediate goal, Green Man skills zone can help people with long-term illnesses and disabilities get closer to work with a new...