Be the Difference: Lambeth Foster Carers online information evening December If you'd like to be the difference and foster children in Lambeth, come to our online information evening on 16 December.
Lambeth Foster Carers online information evening October If you think you could be the difference caring for someone else’s child as part of your family, please book a place at Lambeth's online Fostering information evening
Be the difference. Become a foster carer. Watch our campaign video highlighting some of the many things foster carers do to make a difference.
Could you be a parent and child foster carer? Lambeth’s Fostering Team urgently need more people to apply to become foster carers to take care of specific groups of vulnerable children. Ahead of their next online information event,...
Could you foster? Find out more at our next online event. We’re continuing to appeal to local people with a spare room and the capacity to care for a vulnerable child to consider stepping forwards during this crisis.
Become a foster carer, become a hero The council are continuing to appeal to our community – now, more than ever we need new people to come forwards and apply to become foster carers.
Meet more of our foster carer heroes Our carers were asked to record short phone videos to talk about their experience of fostering for Lambeth. Watch this video to see what they said.
Could you be a foster carer hero? During Fostering Fortnight the council are appealing to the community – now, more than ever, we need new people to come forwards and apply to become foster carers.