Helping people recycle more food waste Household food waste is recyclable and we want to remind you how quick and easy it is to cut down and keep food out of your rubbish bin!
Fresh start for Palace Road Effective changes to the nuts and bolts of recycling, food waste and bulk collection are proving successful on Palace Road - so we plan to ‘recycle’ the approach...
Community unites to clear ‘rubbish crisis’ Lambeth, our waste collection partners Veolia, and community-minded residents all worked together to avoid a ‘rubbish crisis’.
Planters v. Tippers – Street Champions take the lead Lambeth Street Champions get advice and support for all sorts of activities to improve their neighbourhood, from tackling issues such as litter and dog fouling to organising street parties...
Rising to the challenge of fallen leaves Lambeth Council's street cleaning services partners Veolia take on 28 roadsweepers and additional vehicles every autumn to help keep your streets clear of autumn leaves. Just five trees can...
‘Make a change’ says Street Champion As well as co-ordinating a day to build and plant planters to improve the environment of the West Norwood street where she lives, Lambeth Street Champion Esther features “local...