Lambeth Wellbeing Fund supports communities to recover from Covid 28 health and wellbeing projects have been awarded two years' support in this year's Lambeth Wellbeing Fund grants.
ClearCommunityWeb joins Lambeth Digital Inclusion Team ClearCommunityWeb CIC have worked in Lambeth Libraries and with Homes for Lambeth, helping isolated people get online and gain confidence on computers, smartphones and tablets throughout lockdown – with...
Family Volunteering Club gets parents and children building community together Family-friendly volunteering gets extra support in Lambeth this Autumn from charity Comic Relief.
Big team-up for fashion for charity Lambeth Council offered a link between high street clothing retailer White Stuff and the local community groups that they wanted to help with donations.
We are 336 Open Day Lambeth is home to London’s biggest disability hub – and their Open Day on September 18 gives everyone the chance to find out more about who’s there, who they’re...
Lambeth launches new ‘Your health’ web page Lambeth’s new ‘your health’ page signposts you to information and help on mental wellbeing, getting active, healthy eating, stopping smoking, substance misuse, sexual health, community resources and NHS health...