Lambeth launches consultation into new Housing Strategy Lambeth residents are being invited to give their views on new council plans to transform the way housing and housing services are delivered in the borough.
Streatham Wells Low Traffic Neighbourhood Trial to launch The Streatham Wells Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) trial will go live later this month.
Lambeth hosts Black British Book Festival Following a three-month book tour across the UK, the Black British Book Festival arrives in Lambeth in October for a headlining event at the Southbank.
Lambeth launches plans to become a Living Wage Place Lambeth is working to become a Living Wage Place, building a more dynamic, inclusive and equitable local economy and supporting people in the cost of living crisis.
Lambeth: Blue Plaque unveiled for anti-racism campaigner Blue Plaque celebrating journalist and anti-racism activist Claudia Jones has been unveiled in Vauxhall
New ban on single use plastics New legal restrictions for takeaways, sandwich bars and shops who use disposable plastics
Lambeth invites residents’ parklet designs Lambeth Council is opening the second round of applications for its ambitious parklet building programme.
Lambeth Care Awards 2023 Winners and nominees for the best in the care sector came together for the 2023 Lambeth carers’ awards in Brixton’s Assembly Hall.