Lambeth success in preventing homelessness Latest figures show the scale of the homelessness problem in Lambeth, and the council's success in preventing households from losing their home
Community conversation on sites with links to the trans-Atlantic slave trade A public meeting in March will discuss the second phase of Lambeth's review into local statues, monuments and street names with links to the trans-Atlantic slave trade
Lambeth Council Chief Executive announces decision to step down Andrew Travers is set to depart Lambeth Council after more than four years with the authority
Bringing back Kennington Park Skatebowl Historic skatebowl in Kennington set for return to glory with refurbishment work gathering pace
Lambeth: Our Collective Voice – Photovoice Exhibition New LGBTQI+ History Month exhibition and event at Brixton Library will highlight a study that gives important insights into the needs of Lambeth's significant LGBTQI+ population
Lambeth Together starts 2022 with a pledge to improve health and wellbeing for all Renewed focus on improving health and care and reduce health inequalities in the borough in 2022
Two and a Half Questions – Windrush film screening A new film produced by young people from Lambeth explores the experiences and aspirations of the Windrush generation and their descendants
Covid-19: Lambeth Council action in the face of rising rates Urgent call for people in Lambeth to get the booster, or vaccinated if they haven't already, after Covid-19 rates rise significantly