All posts in Consultations Below, you can find out more about our latest consultations and how to get involved.
Lambeth to launch Low Traffic Neighbourhoods consultation Lambeth Council has announced the start of its Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTNs) consultation programme where residents can have their say.
Understanding Lambeth’s LGBTQI+ communities in the time of Coronavirus A survey into the changing needs of Lambeth’s LGBTQI+ communities will be part of developing work on COVID-19 challenges for specific groups and communities and for everyone.
Next steps for Lambeth’s low traffic neighbourhoods Details of the monitoring during the experimental period and an update on the consultation on Lambeth's five emergency low traffic neighbourhood schemes.
Lambeth council announces start date and locations of review into sites with historic links to the slave trade Following the announcement by Lambeth council on 1st October 2020, the first day of Black History Month, that a public debate on sites in the borough with links to...
Lambeth wards could be changing for the first time in 20 years After twenty years, it's time to look again at how Lambeth's wards are divided. Cllr Jim Dickson on why the upcoming review of our ward boundaries is something residents...
Have your say on new Council Ward boundaries The independent Local Government Boundary Commission England (the Commission) is asking for Lambeth residents’ help in drawing up a new pattern of electoral wards in the borough.
Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood is a multi-million pound programme from Lambeth Council, The Mayor of London and Transport for London (TfL) to improve air quality, road safety and climate. Consultation...
Brockwell Hall – coming back to the heart of the park Lambeth is planning to bring Brockwell Hall back to life in a way that makes it fully part of the Park’s life.