All posts in News and announcements The latest news and announcements from Lambeth council and our partners.
Contact SHINE for help with energy bills and winter warmth in 2019 SHINE (Seasonal Health Interventions Network) helps Londoners stay well and warm at home in winter. Lambeth has signed up to the scheme to help residents again this winter -...
Lambeth marks Holocaust Memorial Day Lambeth’s 2019 Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration will take place on Sunday, 27 January, 2019 in the Assembly Hall from 3:00pm – 4:30pm.
Lambeth foster carer honoured with MBE Outstanding foster carer Joan Wilson has been awarded an MBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours list for Services to Fostering. She was nominated by Lambeth council for the...
MBE for Lambeth entrepreneur who has brought employment and hope to 1000s of London’s most disadvantaged Tree Shepherd’s Colin Crooks, who recently made headlines for supporting local traders facing relocation from the Elephant and Castle, has been awarded the MBE for services to the community.
Project Smith – Community Connectors 2019 training Community Connectors link their local community with activities and organisations that can help improve their quality of life – we want to train more volunteers in 2019
Join the National Graduate Development Programme at Lambeth Join the National Graduate Development Programme at Lambeth and Fast track into a management career with the UK’s largest employer
Apply online and on time for your child to start primary school in September 2019 Apply for a school place by midnight on Monday 15 January 2019 if your child is 4 years old and will be starting primary school in September 2019.
New hostel starts work helping Lambeth rough sleepers stay off the streets A new hostel which will help dozens of rough sleepers off the streets of Lambeth and into safe, independent living, has been officially opened in Vauxhall.