All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Digital Inclusion Report suggests ways to get Lambeth residents online Lambeth Council has helped more than 1,000 residents’ access online services this year – according to a new report.
Lambeth: Making streets safer and building confidence Series of weapons sweeps conducted in Lambeth to improve safety and build community relations
Cabinet Member Blog: New housing contractors are set to improve services for Lambeth residents Blog by Cllr Maria Kay, Councillor for Brixton Hill and Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness We’re almost three months into the mobilisation of our 10 new housing repairs and...
Lambeth: Holiday help at hand for families Lambeth council has announced the return of funding for free school meals through the half term and Christmas holidays
Two new Lambeth sites fly the Green Flag for best UK parks and green spaces Lambeth’s 19 Green Flag Parks are a testament to the hard work of the staff, residents and volunteers who keep them.
Green spaces win Gold in Lambeth A record-winning entry from Lambeth's Parks Team to the 'London in Bloom' Awards reflects the love and care that Lambeth staff, volunteers and Friends put into the borough's...
Lambeth: Greener and safer parks fleet hailed a success The greener and safer fleet of vehicles serving the borough’s parks, open spaces and cemeteries has received national acknowledgement
Lambeth: Green cremation tech to cut pollution Lambeth Council has retrofitted new technology on our cremators in both Lambeth and West Norwood Crematorium to reduce the impact on the environment.