All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Council plans following serious incident in Brixton Cllr Jacqui Dyer, Lambeth Council’s Deputy Leader (Jobs, Skills and Community Safety) has outlined summer safety plans after serious incident on Wednesday evening
West Norwood: extra Covid-19 PCR testing The number of Covid-19 cases in Lambeth has continued to rise, with extra testing now underway in four parts of the borough.
New council leader commits to climate justice Cllr Claire Holland has set out her commitment to lead on tackling climate change, building on Lambeth’s pioneering work as the first London borough to declare a climate emergency
Brixton Advice Centre Seeks New Trustees Since 1966, Brixton Advice Centre staff, volunteers and trustees have offered local people life-changing free advice. They’re looking for trustees from across the community to join.
Tulse Hill: Play boost for estate Improvements made to the local environment at the Tulse Hill Estate in partnership with residents
Lambeth welcomes Landmark Domestic Abuse Bill receiving Royal Assent The Domestic Abuse Bill will help to raise awareness to help end all forms of gender-based violence.
Lambeth Council announces £1 million investment in Clapham Common Lambeth Council has announced plans to transform the Clapham Common Paddling Pool as part of a £1 million investment.
Lambeth: Working with businesses to support Black and Disabled residents into work The No Wrong Door Campaign is being run by Black Thrive London with the support of the council to help Black and Disabled residents