All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth approves plans for 20 new affordable homes at Trinity Rise Lambeth Council’s campaign to tackle the borough's housing crisis has been given another huge boost, after plans for 20 new affordable homes were given the go-ahead.
Lambeth Council launches a new system to report abandoned vehicles Reporting an abandoned vehicle in the borough is now quicker and easier using Lambeth's new online reporting system.
Saving food from the bin and tackling food poverty Lambeth Council has contracted Healthy Living Platform (HLP) to act as a co-ordinating point for surplus (unsold) food and to network with community organisations tackling food poverty.
Residents urged to get tested after Covid-19 strain found People in parts of West Norwood and some streets in Streatham, are being asked to get a Covid-19 test, whether they have symptoms or not
New community garden in Lambeth to empower young people to grow their own food Thanks to support from Urban Growth CIC and Linda McCartney, Paulet Estate community garden is going to be redesigned to give the community a space to grow their own...
Lambeth: Sharing experiences of getting vaccinated Councillor Marianna Masters, a Lambeth born and bred resident of Black African heritage, talks about Covid-19 vaccine
Lambeth visitor parking vouchers go paper-free To help make visitor parking easier once the current lockdown restrictions are lifted, Lambeth Council has now introduced virtual visitor parking vouchers that can be purchased online.
Lambeth: Celebrating the borough’s investment in young people The Lambeth Made Charter Mark Awards for Business and Young People are still open for nominations ahead of the awards on March 2