All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Community Testing expanded with new locations & more tests available Lambeth's Community Testing scheme is adding locations in Streatham and Kennington - meaning more tests are available
Lambeth: Tackling food poverty action plan Food poverty can harm physical and mental health as well as increasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer among people who are unable to access a healthy...
Read the special community edition of Lambeth Talk Lambeth Talk magazine special edition for January 2021 brings news and updates from the council and the community. The front cover shows a patient receiving his Covid-19 vaccination.
Lambeth: Climate Assembly steering group sets direction for the future Cllr Jack Hopkins, Lambeth Council leader discusses chairing the inaugural meeting of the borough's climate assembly steering group
Sharing the words of Holocaust witnesses and writers As well as Lambeth’s Holocaust Memorial Day online event, Lambeth Libraries offer events online for readers.
Plans to transform Streatham Hill for walking and cycling A consultation into the scheme shows 83 per cent of respondents agreed that the proposals would make people feel safer cycling
Lambeth: Working together to stop Covid-19 We all need to follow the restrictions in place while at the borough's parks and markets to help stop the spread of Covid-19
Could you be a parent and child foster carer? Lambeth’s Fostering Team urgently need more people to apply to become foster carers to take care of specific groups of vulnerable children. Ahead of their next online information event,...