All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Safely re-opening council and its partner’s services Council run libraries, and leisure centres run by council partners, starting to reopen
Lambeth Council: Local authority backs calls for slavery reparations A council motion calls for concerted government action to address the legacy of slavery in the UK and its ongoing impacts on justice, inequality and discrimination
Lambeth business safety checklist now available in 14 languages As an employer, you must take reasonable steps to protect your workers and others from Coronavirus. We have created a risk assessment template to help you ensure a safe...
New School Streets planned to keep pupils safe Twenty-one new School Streets set to be introduced across Lambeth to cut pollution, boost safety and aid social distancing
Lambeth Council: Reducing the threat from terrorism We're working to protect popular public spaces from the threat of potential terror attacks
Lambeth wards could be changing for the first time in 20 years After twenty years, it's time to look again at how Lambeth's wards are divided. Cllr Jim Dickson on why the upcoming review of our ward boundaries is something residents...
Regenerating Brixton Rec Quarter Lambeth Council appoint muf architecture/ art to lead design for Regenerating Brixton’s Rec Quarter Project.
Lambeth Country Show is virtually coming to your home this year The Lambeth Country Show team have pulled together some fabulous content for an online version of the much loved annual event after having to cancel the traditional fun in...