All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth young people’s Book of the Year 2017 announced Boy X voted young people's favourite book of 2017 at the Lambeth Phoenix Book Awards held at The Norwood School.
Brixton Farmers’ Market future secured The future of the Sunday Brixton Farmers’ Market is now secure, under the new management of the Brixton Market Traders Federation.
Apply for free support with local Brixton businesses Are you an individual or community organisation that could use a helping hand? Would you like access to free workshops, mentoring and work experience?
Cycle To Work with Try Before You Bike Paul, a graduate trainee for Lambeth, tells us about his experience of using the Try Before You Bike scheme.
German car factory rolls out the red carpet for Lambeth young people Last month, High Trees Community Development Trust took a group of Lambeth young people on an all-expenses paid two-day trip to Stuttgart, Germany as the guests of Daimler Mercedes.
Parking and Garages Team – custom built for customers Lambeth's Parking and garages team works with charities and community groups to provide workspace, urban green space, and support for community involvement.
Lambeth invests in maintaining the borough’s roads To keep some of our busiest roads in the best possible condition for all road users we are undertaking a program of resurfacing works.
Hearts in Africa Art4Space will be hosting a fundraising auction of mosaics and a spring fete on 20 May at their community art centre in Stockwell for their project Hearts in Africa.