All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth residents get involved in Engine Idling Action Days This week, concerned residents and council staff took to the streets to add their weight to the fight against unnecessary air pollution in the borough… and you can join...
Talk to us about childhood obesity We are taking part in the Great Weight Debate – find out what you can do to help us tackle child obesity in Lambeth and London.
Lambeth Youth Council news Important meetings, a new constitution and daily routine keep young people in Lambeth creatively busy! Lambeth Youth Mayor, Diogo Costa, updates us about their latest news.
Central Hill residents consulted on the future of their estate After months of analysis and speaking to residents, Lambeth Council has announced that its recommendation for the future of the Central Hill estate is full rebuilding.
Government must not u-turn on future of London’s rail services Lambeth council leader Lib Peck and Streatham MP Chuka Umunna are urging the government to follow through with their promise to hand over London’s suburban rail services to Transport...
Quietway 5 Waterloo to Norbury Lambeth Council is working with its partners Transport for London (TfL), on this local engagement. We would like to know your views on the proposed changes to provide the...
The Future of the Central Hill Estate Local ward councillor and Cabinet Member for Housing Matthew Bennett blogs on the future of the Central Hill Estate in Gipsy Hill
Free advice in GP Surgeries If you have problems with welfare benefits, debt, housing or employment, One Lambeth Advice provide a free confidential and independent advice service.