All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth marks International Women’s Day Cllr Claire Holland, the leader of Lambeth Council, calls for us all to join the 'break the bias' campaign on International Women's Day 2022
Lambeth supports No Smoking Day with local support from pharmacies Stopping smoking has immediate physical and long-term mental health benefits. March 9 is national Stop Smoking Day and in Lambeth you can get help to quit.
Lambeth’s new in-house repairs team completing 500 jobs every month The ground-breaking new team tasked with carrying out improvements on Lambeth’s housing estates has completed over 100 repairs and projects every week during its first eight months in operation.
Celebrate International Women’s Day at your local Lambeth Leisure Centre International Women's Day (Tuesday 8 March) is a global celebration of the so0cial, cultural, and political achievements of women.
Lambeth agrees a budget to tackle the cost-of-living crisis and protect frontline services Lambeth councillors have agreed a budget that will balance the borough’s books “without the need for further cuts or new savings”, while offering more help for poorer residents.
Read Spring 2022’s Lambeth Talk Spring’s Lambeth Talk includes our Climate Action Plan, working with UNICEF to become a Child Friendly Community, taking action on a national report into children formerly in care, and...
Child Friendly Lambeth to hold fun-filled event for children and young people in Windrush Square Child Friendly Lambeth are holding a fun-filled and exciting event aimed at children and young people in Windrush Square, Brixton, 12-5 pm on 19th March!
Tribute to Sarah Everard and all victims of violence against women and girls Lambeth seeks to remember Sarah, pay their respects to her family and acknowledge the wider impact of violence against women and girls