All posts in Topic area All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised by one or more topics – which help to explain what the post is about. They include things like: ‘arts, culture and events’, ‘community safety’ and ‘transport’.
Winds of change for Lambeth Lambeth Wind Orchestra includes people who’ve played for years and players who’ve started again recently. coming together to bring the enjoyment of music to their own lives and to...
The Clapham Family Practice Strikes Gold Clapham Family Practice GPs made positive changes to overcoming the health inequalities LGBT people face – and won Lambeth’s first ‘Pride in Practice’ Gold Award.
Young people take over Lambeth Lambeth council hosted the Takeover Challenge on Friday. The day saw pupils from the borough shadow mentors in their jobs for the day.
Former Lambeth Mayor inspires children’s book for Christmas ‘Petrified’ is a new children’s book by Lance Price, based on a story idea by former Lambeth Mayor Cllr Mark Bennett. From sales go to the Jo Cox Foundation
Benefits and ICT team showcase Lambeth scanning project to other councils The benefits and ICT services team have been hosting other councils to share what they've learnt from our recent Scan Station project. The self-service stations make it easier for...
Walcot Foundation – New Funding Round for Verbal Expressions of Interest Are you part of a project to help people in Lambeth with removing barriers in education, maximising learning, building employability (especially youth unemployment or in-work poverty) or developing money...
Lambeth supports National HIV Testing Week Routine HIV testing is a great way to combat misinformation and stigma surrounding HIV. National HIV Testing Week runs until 23 November.
Read Winter’s Lambeth talk A spirit of collaboration shines above all Lambeth’s projects - from tackling serious youth violence to drafting our new plan for the borough. Together we can create...