All posts in Spending and transparency We are committed to being a fair and transparent organisation which encourages the public to scrutinise how we work. Read more about the latest spending and transparency news below.
Help us support Fairtrade in Lambeth Fairtrade is a way to ensure that farmers and producers get paid fairly for the products they make and the raw materials they source. Lambeth wants to involve more...
Crowdfund Lambeth – more support for community projects Lambeth Council, Crowdfunder, groups and organisations across the borough work together turning ideas into reality – now there’s extra help available from Crowdfund Lambeth..
‘Magnificent’ West Norwood Cemetery to be revitalised with National Lottery funding Following two years of local consultation and specialist input, National Lottery funding has been granted to give West Norwood Cemetery repairs and conservation to listed monuments, improved accessibility and...
Lambeth announces plans to balance the council’s budget and protect vital services Lambeth Council has announced plans to balance our budget for the next four years, with proposals to protect spending on early intervention and preventing youth violence and to consult...
Lambeth’s Budget: Protecting our priorities Lambeth is putting together its plans for funding our most vital services in the coming years. But, with the money we get from central government still dwindling, we’ll also...
More housing officers to give residents the service they want Everyone wants highly visible, easy to contact Neighbourhood Housing Officers who are out and about around the borough. Lambeth’s Housing Services have reorganised the way they work to make...
Supporting the London Living Wage Lambeth is proud to be a London Living Wage employer with all staff and 99 per cent of its contracts all paying the rate at a minimum.
Lambeth aiming to raise more from development We're consulting on Lambeth's Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (PDCS) and we want your views.