All posts in Transport We are responsible for looking after our roads and streets, and promoting the use of sustainable transport in the borough so that we can all make cleaner, healthier choices about how we get around. Read more below for the latest news from our transport teams.
Help improve air quality – put a stop to idling engines Don’t be an idler, switch off your engine when stationary, loading or waiting at the roadside. Do the right thing, help to make Lambeth greener and put a stop...
Free BikeSafe courses for riders who live, work or study in Lambeth Lambeth Transport Team is offering free places on BikeSafe and ScooterSafe courses for riders who live, work or study in the borough, whether you use your bike for pleasure...
StreetWorks towards a brighter Norwood StreetWorks is a £7 million project led by the community to improve a section of Norwood Road, between Chestnut Road and Palace Road including Station Rise. The project, funded...
Read October’s Lambeth talk This month we have news about projects that are bringing people together locally and making it easier and safer to connect with others in and around the borough.
20’s plenty says Jeremy Jeremy Leach, the London Campaign Co-ordinator For 20’s Plenty For Us, tells us why he is supporting the Lambeth Goes 20mph campaign
Making the roads safer for all Isabelle Clement, the Director of Wheels For Wellbeing tells us why she is supporting the Lambeth Goes 20mph campaign
Lambeth roads go 20mph Our aim is to make Lambeth’s streets the safest and greenest streets in London. From November 2015, work will commence to introduce a new 20mph speed limit borough wide.
Lambeth Heritage Festival returns in September with events taking place across the borough This year’s programme is bigger than ever with over 60 events and with a host of new local organisations on board. Events include tours, walks, talks, films, courses, workshops...