All posts in Transport We are responsible for looking after our roads and streets, and promoting the use of sustainable transport in the borough so that we can all make cleaner, healthier choices about how we get around. Read more below for the latest news from our transport teams.
Lambeth’s parks lead the field with green-powered fleet The 62 eco-friendly vehicles in Lambeth’s Parks fleet have kept their Van Excellence accreditation for 3 years – and just added a FORS bronze award.
Next steps for Lambeth’s low traffic neighbourhoods Details of the monitoring during the experimental period and an update on the consultation on Lambeth's five emergency low traffic neighbourhood schemes.
Lambeth pupils go back to safer School Streets The journey back to school will be even safer at the end of the half-term break, as Lambeth Council introduces more measures to improve active travel options and enable...
Lambeth beats 2022 target for chargepoints Lambeth aims to support the journey towards sustainable transport and cleaner air with a network of electric vehicle charge points all over the borough.
Lambeth Council standing up for children’s free travel Your Lambeth councillors are backing the ‘Don’t Zap the Zip’ campaign to stop the Government taking away free public transport for under-18-year-olds.
Community and council create safer school crossing A new road crossing making the school journey on Milkwood Road safer has been designed to also enable ambulances to get to emergencies quickly.
Waterloo: Improving walking and cycling while cutting emissions A new £1million segregated cycle highway scheme, funded by Transport for London (TfL), is close to completion in Waterloo as Lambeth Council and TfL work together on improving the...
Lambeth primary school takes the ‘Creative Way’ to cleaner air Crown Lane Primary School audited routes to school using the TfL Healthy Streets index and designed an attractive walking to school route to encourage less car use.