Bulky waste collection Lambeth Council offers a bulky waste collection service for large items. Dumping rubbish (flytipping) is a crime and can attract vermin.
Lambeth Palace Garden Open Day Join us for a family fun day where children can enjoy a Dinosaur Egg Hunt with their favourite film characters.
Tell us what you need to stay emotionally well Services to help people in emotional distress or with mental health needs in Lambeth are changing.
One Day Without Us in Vauxhall Join us in Vauxhall for a Day of Action to celebrate migrants and migration to the UK.
Connect & Do Space – Free community activities for Lambeth residents The Connect & Do Space holds free and fun community activities for local residents, a perfect chance to meet new people and make new friends - everyone welcome!
Working to prevent suicide in Lambeth Join us for a discussion on our draft suicide prevention strategy, at the informal Health and Wellbeing Board on 8 February.
International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation Join Africa Advocacy Foundation on the 6 February at Brixton Library for an information drop-in session.