Weir re-wired The contractors always gave written notice in advance and made sure everyone understood what they had to do so as not to be without a power supply.
Clean-up for good at Argos Court Alpha nano-technologies offer a high-tech solution to a messy problem
Waltham works wind down Includes brickwork and concrete repairs, roof and window renewals, lightning protection, new waterproofing for balconies and walkways, 'landlord's electrics' and new satellite TV system
Technical team reaches for a peak of fitness Everyone in the team agreed it was a perfect combination of teambuilding and fitness challenge for 30 people to walk up a Welsh mountain together and what cause they...
Lambeth Council mark the completion of new affordable homes in Brixton Twenty-five new affordable homes have been completed at Wynne Road in Brixton as part of the council’s Your New Town Hall project.
Growing on – from Pop Farm to Caldwell Gardens Lambeth Council’s Estate Pride Team asked for ideas to create a garden for Caldwell Gardens. It will mainly be wildlife-friendly ornamentals, with space for food-growing.
Central Hill redevelopment approved Lambeth Council’s Cabinet has approved a recommendation to rebuild the Central Hill estate.
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