New Lambeth Council homes take shape at Lollard Street The development at Lollard Street is taking shape and will provide 89 new homes, with an expected completion date of next spring
‘The best option for Central Hill’ Next Thursday Lambeth’s cabinet will be asked to back a report, which recommends fully rebuilding the Central Hill estate, building a new home for everyone who lives there, as...
Need the key information about the big issues facing Lambeth? Get theBALANCE Have you ever wanted in-depth details of Lambeth’s financial position? Or the housing crisis? Or just how the council is spending the borough’s money? Start with our e-newsletter, theBALANCE....
A Câmara de Lambeth (Lambeth Council) quer ouvir a opinião da Comunidade Portuguesa. Queremos ouvir a opinião da Comunidade Portuguesa.
Ready to let: Lambeth’s first new council homes for a decade Lambeth has combined a historic building with state-of-the-art design to deliver the first directly-delivered council homes built in the borough for 10 years.
Sheds available for rent We are looking to let out the sheds on our estates. Sheds are big enough to store bikes and other items and are now going at a rate of...
200 jobs for Lambeth tenants The 'Workwise' team are pleased to announce the recording of job 200 for Lambeth tenants affected by Welfare Reform and at risk of homelessness.
We’re on the move: Central area housing moves customer services Central Area’s move from cabins in Greenleaf Close on the Tulse Hill estate to Olive Morris House on Brixton Hill will offer better transport access for most residents and...