Tell us your priorities for Waterloo We are keen to hear your priorities for making Waterloo a better place to live, work, visit and enjoy.
Boosting housing supply in Lambeth #BetterHomes A key mile-stone in the creation of new homes in central Brixton as part of the Your New Town Hall project has been reached.
Get help with your energy bills and keeping warm this winter Lambeth Council has signed up to a scheme run by Islington Council that provides energy advice and assistance to keep people out of fuel poverty this winter.
Balmoral Court benefiting from Lambeth Housing Standard upgrades Balmoral Court, a sheltered housing scheme in the south of the borough, has recently received upgrades as part of the £490m Lambeth Housing Standard (LHS) programme
Patmos Lodge redevelopment update Lambeth plans to regenerate the old Patmos Lodge care home site off Cancell Road
Need the key information about the big issues facing Lambeth? Get the latest edition of theBALANCE Have you ever wanted in-depth details of Lambeth’s financial position? Or the housing crisis? Or just how the council is spending the borough’s money? theBALANCE issue 25 is out...
Bankhouse Extra Care – Sylvia’s story Extra care schemes offer older people care packages designed to offer a safe, private and secure environment. The service aims to provide the maximum level of independence: tenants keep...
Read Autumn’s Lambeth talk We are proud of Lambeth because it is a borough with award winning parks, excellent schools and opportunities for everyone. Find out more about our #betterlambeth campaign.