Recycle a Cycle project, bringing abandoned bikes back to life This great project, run by the Lambeth Sustainable Travel Team, frees up space for people to park their bikes in overcrowded cycle parking areas by identifying abandoned bikes and...
Apprenticeship vacancies now open at Lambeth Council Applications are now open for a number of new apprenticeship roles at Lambeth Council. In total we’ll be looking for 12 new apprentices over the next few weeks –...
Up to 2,000 Lambeth small businesses may be eligible for rate relief It is estimated that around 2,000 Lambeth businesses may be eligible for up to £1,000 relief from their business rates.
New business talent needs nurturing – can you help? Tree Shepherd is looking for new volunteer business mentors – people who want to be a part of the major resurgence of food and crafts that is making Lambeth...
Lambeth Town Hall open for business Lambeth Council is throwing open its doors to local businesses in a ground-breaking move to transform the Town Hall into a community enterprise centre.
Meet a new Lambeth film star for National Apprenticeship Week Helping us to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week 2014, Shaqueele Brown is our March Apprentice of the Month and star of our new film.
Lambeth Business Awards – now open for entries! The Lambeth Best of Business Awards celebrate the best and brightest businesses in the borough. And this year, the public will decide on the best independent retailer and the...
Students try out council jobs for a week The average age of a Lambeth council worker plummeted last week thanks to 21 local school pupils.