Blooming Lambeth recognises great gardens and growers Lambeth Town Hall hosted the annual Blooming Lambeth prizegiving event for gardens and gardeners.
Nominate Lambeth’s Greatest Gardens – Blooming Lambeth Awards 2023 Nominate a garden or gardener in any of eight prizewinning categories in the Blooming Lambeth Awards by SUNDAY 9 JULY
Lambeth’s greatest gardens go in for Blooming Lambeth Awards 2022 The Blooming Lambeth Awards features 8 categories, cash prizes and an award ceremony in October – deadline for nominations has been extended to Midnight on 3 July.
Blooming Lambeth 2021 Awards – nominate our greatest gardens Nominate your own - or someone else’s garden - for the chance to win a prize in one of the eight categories in Blooming Lambeth.
Blooming Lambeth Awards 2020 This year’s seven Blooming Lambeth Award winners (and highly commended runners-up) rose to the challenge of gardening in a very different way.
Blooming Lambeth gardeners awards 2020 – get your nominations in! Enter now for the 2020 celebration of community gardening, growth and food activism in Blooming Lambeth
Incredible Edible Lambeth – food growing for neighbours Incredible Edible Lambeth had the seed of an idea – get people growing vegetables from seed, each grower hands on seedlings to ten households to grow on. Now people...
Blooming Lambeth Awards 2020 – Call for Entries Incredible Edible Lambeth is hosting the annual Lambeth-wide Blooming Lambeth Awards to celebrate achievements in gardening. The Awards are supported by Lambeth Council.