Lambeth: Cutting the cost of bike storage for families The cost of safe cycle storage is being cut by Lambeth Council as part of a push to create fair pricing for families
The Cut: Permanent traffic restrictions proposed to help residents and businesses Lambeth Council plans to make a series of traffic restrictions and street improvements in Waterloo permanent to support local businesses and make the area better for local people.
Lambeth: Children’s Service improvement found Inspectors from Ofsted said Lambeth Council’s Children’s Services is improving its support services for ‘children in need and children subject to a protection plan’ following a focused visit in...
Look out for your annual electoral canvass form for 2023 Lambeth's electoral canvass has begun make sure you complete and return your form.
Lambeth schoolkids Bike the Borough Six Lambeth primary schools took part in the Bike the Borough Event where children hit the road on a mass bicycle ride.
Clapham: Lambeth Council opens new waterplay area A new state of the art inclusive waterplay area is now open on Clapham Common for children and young people of all ages.
Living Wage in Lambeth – 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning Becoming an Accredited Living Wage employers helps to cement 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning’s role in reaching marginalised communities.
Thriving Stockwell launches Community Living Rooms Community Living Rooms will offer weekly health and wellbeing sessions designed and run by local people at Stockwell Park Community Trust in the heart of the Stockwell Park Estate,...