Lambeth sets out plans for bringing housing delivery back in-house New report lays out plans for new social homes in the borough and how responsibility will move from Homes for Lambeth back to the council
Rewilding for conservation in Brockwell Park Brockwell Park is a vital urban Site of Importance for Nature Conservation – and work to make it even more wildlife-friendly starts this summer.
Findings of Baroness Casey report into Met police are deeply shameful, say Lambeth Council leaders Lambeth communities have experienced these shocking failures, from the horrifying murder of Sarah Everard to the shooting of Chris Kaba and death in custody of Ian Taylor
Lambeth: New young carers card design competition A local young person has won the ‘Lambeth Young Carers Card Design Competition’ run by Brixton based independent charity Carers’ Hub Lambeth, in partnership with Lambeth Council
Lambeth launches Your Streets, Your Way 2023 design competition Lambeth Council has launched the latest round of the Your Streets, Your Way competition where members of the public can design street improvements and win up to £750.
Art for autism – share your creativity Lambeth Council invites you to share your thoughts and feelings about autism and showcase your creativity about how autism impacts on people’s lives.
Work starting on new waterplay facility for Clapham State of the art waterplay facility coming up for summer 2023!
Lambeth: New borough plan to set priorities until 2030 The new borough plan, ‘Lambeth 2030: Our Future, Our Lambeth’, will guide the borough’s work across council services and partnerships to ensure we all focus on the priorities of...