All posts in News and announcements The latest news and announcements from Lambeth council and our partners.
Lambeth teen pregnancy rate falls again The government’s latest figures on teenage conception rates show a continuing downward trend for the borough
Lambeth seeks views on better rights for renters Lambeth Council is seeking feedback to get a full picture of the privately rented housing sector in the borough
Extra funding to give survivors of domestic abuse a safe refuge Lambeth Council secures £98,000 government funding for specialist BAME refuges to offer a safe space for survivors of domestic abuse and their children
Topping out ceremony for new theatre development on Coldharbour Lane, Brixton The long awaited and much anticipated move for Ovalhouse to its new theatre and creative hub in Brixton has taken a major step forward. A ceremonial bolt was inserted...
National Offer Day 2020: Lambeth secondary schools offer a place to every child For the eighth year running, every Lambeth child whose application was on time has received an offer of a secondary school place, new figures have revealed today.
‘Plate up’ to battle holiday hunger Could you give up the cost of a lunch between now and Easter to help a Lambeth schoolkid who’s going without meals in the summer holidays?
Waterloo: Improving walking and cycling while cutting emissions A new £1million segregated cycle highway scheme, funded by Transport for London (TfL), is close to completion in Waterloo as Lambeth Council and TfL work together on improving the...
Lambeth calls for action to support the Windrush generation Lambeth council has called on the government to increase its support for residents affected by the Windrush scandal and has written to all residents to urge those affected to...