All posts in News and announcements The latest news and announcements from Lambeth council and our partners.
Plant a patch for pollinators Rain and snow earlier this year make it harder for butterflies to survive this summer. Planting patches of nectar-rich flowers now will make up for lost time and lost...
Planning permission granted for hundreds of new homes on South Lambeth estate The proposals to build over 360 new homes on the estate were unanimously approved by members of the council’s Planning Applications Committee, at a meeting last night.
Looking for career choices? If you're leaving school or college, a parent or currently unemployed, and wandering what to do or need help with deciding then this event is for you.
Welcome to this year’s Lambeth Readers and Writers Festival – Final week + (28 May – 4 June) The 2018 Readers and Writers Festival is here again with a month-long programme of inspirational literary events - readings by writers (including Booker Prizewinner Ben Okri), drama workshops for...
Welcome to this year’s Lambeth Readers and Writers Festival – Week Four (21-27 May) The 2018 Readers and Writers Festival is here again with a month-long programme of inspirational literary events - readings by writers (including Booker Prizewinner Ben Okri), Clapham's book festival,...
Could you be a Lambeth super parent? Find out this fortnight Giving a child a loving, safe and secure home as a foster carer, helping them thrive and improving their chances in life, is amazing and rewarding. Could you be...
Lambeth wins funding from Sport England to help carers stay active Lambeth council is celebrating after being awarded £182,609 of National Lottery funding to help unpaid carers to stay active when their life circumstances change.
Read Spring’s Lambeth talk Bettter streets, better air and... the best parks! Making Lambeth a cleaner and greener borough is one of our key priorities and we have already achieved so much.