All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth Council supports opening of Northern Line Extension Lambeth Council has welcomed the opening of the Northern Line Extension as part of the multi-billion-pound transformation of Vauxhall Nine Elms.
Lambeth Goes Green this Great Big Green Week This Great Big Green Week, from 18 – 26 September, communities and organisations up and down the country will be showcasing climate action ahead of the COP26 summit.
Statement following tragic fatal incident in Ferrey Mews, SW9 Deputy Leader of the Council Cllr Jacqui Dyer has offered her condolences to the victim's family and friends and called for anyone with information on the attack to share...
Lambeth Council electoral wards in line for a shake-up of ward boundaries The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has released final recommendations that would change the make-up of Lambeth’s electoral wards ahead of polling day in May 2022.
Lambeth’s new housing repairs teams completing over 1,000 jobs a week The new teams in charge of repairs at Lambeth Council homes have been carrying out almost 200 jobs every day, in the two months since they took over the...
Read Autumn 2021’s Lambeth Talk Autumn’s free Lambeth Talk magazine brings news from Lambeth Council including the Citizens assembly on Climate Change, Lambeth’s Heritage Festival and BIack History Month, Crowdfunded
Vauxhall: New Rainbow Plaque dedicated to film, My Beautiful Laundrette New plaque for Wilcox Road, Vauxhall, the location of ‘Powders’ laundrette from the film
Council to consider long-term leisure centre plans Lambeth Council’s cabinet will be asked to agree to a one-year extension of the GLL contract next year, with a proposed plan to bring all facilities back under council...