All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth: Call for clarity over primary schools reopening Council to seeks Government meeting after it was announced that primary schools in Lambeth can re-open on January 4, but not in neighbouring boroughs
New independent analysis shows traffic levels cut by a over a quarter in Railton area Figures from Lambeth Council’s first stage of independent traffic monitoring indicate that traffic levels have been cut by over a quarter when taking into account roads inside and on the boundary of the Railton low traffic...
Council leaders call for more support to help Lambeth and Southwark withstand the impact of Covid-19 Boris Johnson must provide more economic help to cushion the impact the Covid-19 pandemic is having on some of the hardest-hit areas of the country, the leaders of Lambeth...
Consultation on expanding licensing to smaller Houses in Multiple Occupation Landlords, tenants and residents are being invited to comment on proposals to license smaller Houses in Multiple Occupation in Lambeth
Children’s Centre family fun – November to December Download the November to December Children’s Centre Family Fun Newsletter here. Inside you’ll find lots of ideas and activities to support you with supporting your child.
Lambeth: Bringing Christmas cheer to those in need Thousands of freshly prepared healthy meals have been distributed to elderly and vulnerable people this week
Cllr Jack Hopkins has written to all residents stressing the need to follow the safety guidance this Christmas Lambeth Council leader Jack Hopkins writes to residents to urge them to follow the advice in place to stay safe from Covid-19.
Lambeth: Helping business comply with Covid-19 restrictions Council officers have conducted 1,311 Covid-19 compliance visits to businesses in the borough, including restaurants, cafes, pubs and supermarkets