All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Helping save Lambeth’s LGBT+ venues Three of Lambeth's LGBT+ venues have received 'lifeline' funding from the Mayor’s Culture at Risk Business Support Fund.
Funding for employers to provide paid work placements for young people Kickstart a young person’s career with six months’ paid work placement. Employers will receive funding to cover costs.
Coronavirus cases increasing across London Covid-19 cases are increasing across London prompting the government to add the capital to a watch-list. Find out more about how you can help to keep yourself and others...
Lambeth celebrates Black History Month 2020 with young readers Find books, storytelling, rhymes and more for young people in Black History Month from Lambeth Libraries.
Lambeth Clean Air Week 2020 goes virtual! Lambeth Clean Air Week takes place from 5 to 9 October. This year we are organising a week of online events to celebrate and show our support for National...
Lambeth Council standing up for children’s free travel Your Lambeth councillors are backing the ‘Don’t Zap the Zip’ campaign to stop the Government taking away free public transport for under-18-year-olds.
Lambeth wins its first borough-wide London in Bloom Gold Lambeth’s Parks and Open Spaces team created individual portfolios for the judging of this year’s London in Bloom. Their work has been richly rewarded.
Lambeth proposes new council ward boundaries Lambeth could have an extra council ward, under proposals it has submitted to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) the independent body reviewing the borough's electoral boundaries.