All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth PRIDES Itself on Talking About Sexual Violence Campaign – 6 months on More LGBTQ+ survivors of sexual violence in Lambeth are now getting specialist support.
Lambeth Council help NHS mental health trust join Living Wage family All employees and those contracted by SLaM, which serves Lambeth and three neighbouring boroughs, will be paid at least £10.75 an hour, well above the £8.50 minimum wage set...
Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood is a multi-million pound programme from Lambeth Council, The Mayor of London and Transport for London (TfL) to improve air quality, road safety and climate. Consultation...
Lambeth’s Trading Standards strike again as knife sellers find themselves in court Lambeth's Trading Standards have recently had several prosecution cases heard in the Magistrate Court that relate to the sale of knives to young people under 18 years old.
Lambeth combats funeral poverty with simple solution The cost and formality of funerals can be off-putting for many people. Lambeth has introduced the Lambeth Simple Funeral to help.
Lambeth launches special Valentine’s Day campaign This Valentine’s day Lambeth Council is launching an online campaign to celebrate Peace, Love and Unity in the community. Anyone can get involved using the hashtag #LoveLambeth to celebrate...
Council leader raises serious concerns with government about Streatham attack Cllr Jack Hopkins, Leader of Lambeth council, has written to the Home Secretary Priti Patel following the terrorist attack in Streatham, raising serious concerns on behalf of residents regarding...
Lambeth sets out spending plans for the next financial year Lambeth Council has outlined its final budget proposals for 2020-21, with increased investment in tackling violence that affects young people and in tackling climate change.