All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Facing up to the financial challenge Lambeth Council will have to grow its own income to look after vulnerable people in the borough, according to Councillor Andy Wilson, Lambeth’s Cabinet Member for Finance.
London Youth Games 2018 – successes for Team Lambeth Over 500 young people living in Lambeth or at Lambeth schools took part in trials, qualifiers, and competitions to represent Team Lambeth in 24 sports in this summer’s London...
Library of possibilities Upper Norwood Library Hub in Crystal Palace offers a summer of six weeks of possibilities – reading, writing, theatre, dance, woodworking, art, sewing, blogging and making a podcast -...
Letters from the Leader of Lambeth Council and new Chief Executive The Leader of Lambeth council, Cllr Lib Peck has written to the council’s new Chief Executive Andrew Travers congratulating him on his appointment and outlining the new administration’s organisational...
Lambeth Country Show successfully celebrates unique borough The free Lambeth Country Show weekend 2018 comes to a close after a successful event that attracted huge crowds to Brockwell Park.
Improving services for disabled people in Lambeth More than 70 residents took part in the council’s first event focused on improving services for disabled people in Lambeth since the publication of the Equality Commission report.
Get a green grant for inspiring people to do the right thing with their rubbish Lambeth projects that inspire people to use recycled, reused or reclaimed materials, protect or preserve resources, or enhance the local environment can apply for Green funding from Veolia.
Changes to sexual health service’s Lambeth pharmacies provide Have your say on sexual health services currently being provided by Lambeth pharmacies