All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Try a Water Workout – in British Sign Language Clapham Leisure Centre, in partnership with local trainer Sam from ‘Fit Into it’, invite hearing-impaired people to discover the benefits of a water workout taught in British Sign Language
New Beginning Open Day Open Day on July 1 is your chance to learn about the plans for West Norwood Cemetery’s future before our final bid for Lottery funding.
Lambeth shines at London Awards Schemes providing new offices, housing and schools across Lambeth have been honoured during two separate London-wide architecture and construction awards ceremonies.
Workwise – supporting Lambeth residents into work Workwise is a partnership between Lambeth Council & St Mungo's charity offering one-to-one support for tenants affected by Welfare Reform who are looking for work.
Plant a patch for pollinators Rain and snow earlier this year make it harder for butterflies to survive this summer. Planting patches of nectar-rich flowers now will make up for lost time and lost...
Planning permission granted for hundreds of new homes on South Lambeth estate The proposals to build over 360 new homes on the estate were unanimously approved by members of the council’s Planning Applications Committee, at a meeting last night.
Lambeth Cabinet announced Lambeth Council have announced the new political Cabinet that will lead council policy over the coming years.
Looking for career choices? If you're leaving school or college, a parent or currently unemployed, and wandering what to do or need help with deciding then this event is for you.