All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth’s historic Town Hall officially re-opens A ribbon cutting ceremony was held today for the re-opening of Lambeth Town Hall following an 18-month restoration of the Grade II listed building in the heart of Brixton.
Blooming Lambeth Jupiter Court, Caldwell Gardens Estate Caldwell Gardens Estate won a ‘Blooming Lambeth’ award for its new community fruit and flower garden – and Mrs Morris’ garden is a highlight in a community of change.
Touch rugby in Archbishop’s Park Fun and FREE open sessions suitable for every ability with the aim of improving your fitness no matter what level you are starting at!
Phone support offers convenient and anonymous way to quit smoking in 2018 Smokers in Lambeth who are determined to quit in 2018 can get dedicated personal support and advice from a new telephone helpline.
Street Champions: raising awareness about plastic damaging our environment This Christmas, Oval Quarter Street Champions would like to raise awareness about how plastic damages the environment.
Lambeth primary pupils beat the national averages for their SATs tests Lambeth’s 11-year-olds have once again beaten the national average for attainment in reading, writing and mathematics - and also in the national combined figures - new Government statistics have...
Lambeth Council’s Christmas pledge to Syrian refugees Lambeth Council has pledged to work with the community and take five more Syrian refugee families, having led the way in welcoming those fleeing the conflict in Syria.
Clapham Park Neighbourhood Forum “The Forum is about valuing the neighbourhood and the people, about encouraging the neighbourhood to have an identity and look outwards.”