All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth’s Borough of Culture bid celebrates ‘radical hearts and open minds’ Lambeth has submitted its bid to be named London Borough of Culture, with an ambitious and far-reaching proposal entitled ‘Radical hearts. Open minds’.
New innovative council level rent homes coming to Lambeth by summer 2018 We are building four new council level rent homes in Streatham Hill using an innovative building system that could help solve Lambeth’s housing crisis
Elton John AIDS Foundation launches new partnership to tackle HIV in south London Partnership between the Elton John AIDS Foundation, Lambeth Council, NHS and other south London bodies announced on World Aids Day.
Tell us your priorities for Waterloo We are keen to hear your priorities for making Waterloo a better place to live, work, visit and enjoy.
Boosting housing supply in Lambeth #BetterHomes A key mile-stone in the creation of new homes in central Brixton as part of the Your New Town Hall project has been reached.
South London Cares – Winter Wellbeing Brixton-based charity South London Cares brings together young urban professionals and older neighbours to hang out and help beat the winter blues in our rapidly changing city.
“Teacher of the Year”: Lambeth teacher rewarded for helping pupils prepare for the world of work A Lambeth teacher has picked up the top award from a charity that works to give pupils the best chance of moving into a career when they leave school.
Lambeth’s pre-budget call for fairness in relation to housing, welfare and education Lambeth Council has written to the Government ahead of the Autumn budget 2017 highlighting its concerns about the impact of welfare cuts, the lack of measures that allow councils...