All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Lambeth presses government to meet fire safety costs Lambeth Council leader Cllr Lib Peck has written again to government calling for a funding commitment to local authorities in order to fund fire safety work following the Grenfell...
Showcasing Community Food Growing in Lambeth Edmundsbury Community Hall is open to everyone on 9 November from 2pm – 3pm for free soup, cake and hot drinks and a short film about community food growing...
Lambeth remembers – Remembrance Sunday 2017 events On Sunday 12 November, there will be a number of events and services held across Lambeth as part of the Remembrance Sunday commemorations, to remember all of those that...
“Every statistic is a personal story” explains Mayor “My personal journey to healthy weight has involved help and support from family, friends and my social media network.”
PM honours Lambeth’s Black Cultural Archives The Black Cultural Archives serves as a national heritage space dedicated to collecting, preserving and celebrating the histories of people of African and Caribbean descent in Britain.
Streetworks celebrate phase one of a better Tulse Hill Streetworks are celebrating the completion of work at Tulse Hill Station and the continuing work on Norwood Road. Station Rise will close from 3.30pm until 7pm for a party.
Lambeth launches pay and display machine pilot Lambeth Council has configured 131 of their 650 on-street pay and display machines to be able to accept the new £1 coin as part of a pilot across the...
GCSE results: Lambeth pupils stay ahead of the pack Lambeth’s pupils beat the national average for benchmark English and Maths results, nationwide GCSE tables have revealed.