All posts in Arts, culture and events Read about the latest opportunities to watch, perform or support Lambeth’s world-class arts, culture and events. We are home to hundreds of brilliant venues, creative spaces and the thousands of people who work in them.
#LoveVaux present Brilliant Vauxhall Brilliant Vauxhall is a two-day atmospheric exploration of light through the use of fire, light guided story telling with interactive installations and light projection.
#OurLambeth bid for London’s Borough of Culture launched Lambeth residents, businesses, cultural institutions and community groups are backing the council’s bid to be London’s Borough of Culture.
Black History Month 2017 week four (and beyond) events Black History Month is 30 years old in October 2017. Find and book for highlights of the final events (including some events in November) in a celebration of history,...
Vote for Lambeth Country Show in the UK Festival Awards Lambeth Country Show has been nominated as Best Major Festival, Best Metropolitan Festival and Best Family Festival – vote for us by 23 October!
Free Bereavement support training session for organisations in Lambeth Lambeth Cruse is holding an afternoon training course on 17 November around effectively supporting and sign-posting bereaved people.
Lambeth Fireworks launch at Brockwell Park this November Hosted by Westworth Kemp, the festival of fireworks will include a spectacular display, live entertainment and over 20 mouth-watering street food traders.
Black History Month 2017 week three events Black History Month is 30 years old in October 2017. Find and book for highlights of week three of a celebration of history, arts, literature and film features Monday...
Black History Month Autumn 2017 – week two events Black History Month is 30 years old in 2017. Find and book for highlights of week two of a celebration of history, arts, literature and film features Monday 9...