All posts in Topic area All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised by one or more topics – which help to explain what the post is about. They include things like: ‘arts, culture and events’, ‘community safety’ and ‘transport’.
Help with food shopping is on-Hand DBS checked volunteers can shop and deliver for you when you contact the Council’s partner on-Hand
Have your say on new Council Ward boundaries The independent Local Government Boundary Commission England (the Commission) is asking for Lambeth residents’ help in drawing up a new pattern of electoral wards in the borough.
Lambeth Council: Helping people back into work New adult learning funding from City Hall is set to offer residents a new personalised package for finding work in ways that are tailored for those struggling with unemployment...
Government funding not sufficient to meet Lambeth budget gap The government’s failure to fund local councils fully for their work to support residents through the Covid-19 pandemic risks leaving services in Lambeth facing a £28 million budget gap.
Mayor’s charity combats LGBTQ+ youth homelessness Albert Kennedy Trust (akt) support young LGBT+ people into safe homes and employment, education or training, in a welcoming and open environment that celebrates lgbtq+ identities. akt is this...
Lambeth Links – looking to leave an LGBT+ legacy Despite lockdown, Lambeth’s new LGBT+ forum Lambeth Links is reaching out in Pride Month for people to join and get involved in a project to celebrate Lambeth’s role in...
Children’s centre family fun – June newsletter Download the June Children's Centre Family Fun Newsletter here. Inside you'll find lots of ideas and activities to support you with supporting your child.
Give street trees a drink to help them help your environment Young trees growing in Lambeth’s streets need helping hands to survive heatwaves, so they can grow up to give us shade and cleaner air.