A stitch in time saves … A Lambeth Council estate just down the road from King’s College Hospital came together as a community to donate 500 handmade face masks to NHS workers and local residents.
Crowdfund Lambeth helps secure green materials for straw building Volunteers are essential to the ‘slow build’ of Tulse Hill’s ‘Strawbale’ community hall. This year, crowdfunding – including £5,000 from Lambeth Council – paid for environmentally-friendly materials.
Volunteers empowering people to record their future care wishes The Lambeth Advance Care Planning Project, led by Healthwatch Lambeth and Compassion in Dying, raises awareness about how residents can record their future care wishes, and supports local people...
Crowdfund Lambeth helps secure green materials for straw building Volunteers are essential to the ‘slow build’ of Tulse Hill’s ‘Strawbale’ community hall. This year, crowdfunding – including £5,000 from Lambeth Council – paid for environmentally-friendly materials.
Lambeth volunteers launch borough-wide shopping service Lambeth residents are volunteering to deliver paid-for shopping to people in lockdown for their own safety.
Lambeth staff volunteer for change of duties and give extra help Over 50 council officers who normally serve the people of Lambeth working in plces like Legal and Governance, Finance, Public Protection, Electoral Services, ICT, School services, Parking and Customer...
Read the special edition of Lambeth Talk A new Lambeth Talk will be delivered from 2 April with information on Food Banks and other VCS organisations as well as health and wellbeing. It's also available online.
Join up with Lambeth’s Community Connectors in 2020 This year’s first Project Smith Community Connectors Training Course is late January/early February. It’s for people who want to learn about linking members of their local community with activities...