Young at ‘Art Young at ‘Art is based at (and supported by residents of) Vauxhall Gardens but provides art sessions for adults from all over Lambeth.
Streetworks celebrate phase one of a better Tulse Hill Streetworks are celebrating the completion of work at Tulse Hill Station and the continuing work on Norwood Road. Station Rise will close from 3.30pm until 7pm for a party.
Lambeth launches pay and display machine pilot Lambeth Council has configured 131 of their 650 on-street pay and display machines to be able to accept the new £1 coin as part of a pilot across the...
#LoveVaux present Brilliant Vauxhall Brilliant Vauxhall is a two-day atmospheric exploration of light through the use of fire, light guided story telling with interactive installations and light projection.
GCSE results: Lambeth pupils stay ahead of the pack Lambeth’s pupils beat the national average for benchmark English and Maths results, nationwide GCSE tables have revealed.
#OurLambeth bid for London’s Borough of Culture launched Lambeth residents, businesses, cultural institutions and community groups are backing the council’s bid to be London’s Borough of Culture.
Black History Month 2017 week four (and beyond) events Black History Month is 30 years old in October 2017. Find and book for highlights of the final events (including some events in November) in a celebration of history,...
Lambeth’s celebration of community businesses To celebrate Community Business Weekend, Repowering London held a new showcase event at Pop Brixton to highlight the outstanding community businesses in the area.