Lambeth take bronze at 2015 Better Club Games A team from Lambeth took the bronze medal when competing against 750 over 55-year-olds at the 2015 Better Club Games, held on Tuesday 17 November 2015.
Working to make Lambeth’s roads safer Safety messages will be spread throughout Lambeth next week, 23 to 29 November, to mark Road Safety Week 2015.
It’s Our Day Today, Wednesday 18 November, the vital local services of a council will be brought to life in 140 characters when staff from Lambeth take part in a 24-hour tweetathon!
Lambeth School comes out on top at sustainable travel awards Lambeth’s Hitherfield Primary School recognised as best performing school in South London at Transport for London's recent STAR awards.
Lambeth’s first Golden Ticket winners receive their cash prizes! Lucky Lambeth recyclers have been rewarded with a £500 cash prize each for recycling right in the first Golden Ticket draw.
Help improve air quality – put a stop to idling engines Don’t be an idler, switch off your engine when stationary, loading or waiting at the roadside. Do the right thing, help to make Lambeth greener and put a stop...
Free BikeSafe courses for riders who live, work or study in Lambeth Lambeth Transport Team is offering free places on BikeSafe and ScooterSafe courses for riders who live, work or study in the borough, whether you use your bike for pleasure...
Oval and Kennington Development Area consultation begins A six-week consultation on the draft masterplan for the Oval and Kennington Development Area (OAKDA) starts today.