All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Online event: Tackling Violence and Against Women and Girls in Lambeth Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls is everyone's business - we need to work together to make our borough safer
Annual Memorial Services at Lambeth Cemeteries Lambeth Council Bereavement Services are planning to reintroduce our memorial services this year, after closing last Christmas as a result of Covid-19 public health advice.
Lambeth: Paying a real living wage Q&A Lambeth based business Support Service Leaders talk about why they pay the London Living Wage and the benefits it delivers
Streatham Hill and Tulse Hill low traffic neighbourhood consultations begin Lambeth Council has launched consultations asking residents for their views on the futures of two Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) in the borough.
Lambeth marks Remembrance Sunday with ceremonies across the borough Lambeth Council has compiled a programme of acts of remembrance, including a wreath-laying at the Town Hall, a march past in Windrush Square, and a “community act of remembrance...
LAMBETH: Supporting fair pay campaign across south London Lambeth Council is working with neighbouring boroughs and big employers in south London to celebrate and support the London Living Wage which helps tackle inequality and poverty
Lambeth and partners Raise the Game with redesigned basketball court Local artists and basketball players helped design and refurbish Clapham Common basketball court.
LAMBETH: Award recognises outstanding innovation on the national stage Innovation Award presented to Lambeth Council at the Local Government Chronicle Awards for the borough’s Lambeth Made Safer strategy