All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Could you foster? Find out more at our next online event. We’re continuing to appeal to local people with a spare room and the capacity to care for a vulnerable child to consider stepping forwards during this crisis.
Smartphone donation scheme to keep Lambeth’s most vulnerable people connected Lambeth is helping to tackle isolation during the Covid-19 crisis, through a new campaign to give thousands of unused smartphones to vulnerable people in the most deprived areas of...
Lambeth pupils go back to safer School Streets The journey back to school will be even safer at the end of the half-term break, as Lambeth Council introduces more measures to improve active travel options and enable...
Wrapping up Lambeth Clean Air Week 2020 We held a range of events to celebrate Lambeth Clean Air Week (5- 9 October). Thank you for attending our events, and we look forward to Lambeth Clean Air...
Lambeth announces half-term free school meals for children who need them Council backs powerful free school meals campaign led by Marcus Rashford MBE
Remembrance Sunday to be marked in Lambeth Remembrance Sunday services to be held across the borough, but with scaled back attendance due to Covid-19
New #YouCanAdopt campaign launches in Lambeth Understand some common myths around who can adopt and hear from others about what it's meant for them
100 Great Black Britons book to be celebrated in the borough New book set to be given to every school and library in Lambeth as part of Black History Month celebrations