All posts in Post Type All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised which can be any one of, news & announcements, council statements and updates, consultations, or opportunities.
Blooming Lambeth Tritton Vale Pocket Garden West Dulwich's Tritton Vale Pocket Garden offers everyone a space to appreciate nature in the city.
Protecting people visiting and working in sexual health clinics Have your say on a public space protection order (PSPO) for sexual health and reproductive health clinics.
Statement: response to inaccurate claims about Lambeth Council and staff salaries Councillor Imogen Walker, Deputy Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, responds to inaccurate reporting of salaries at Lambeth Council
A closer look: St Oswald’s Place Here we take a closer look at the development on St Oswald's Place next to Vauxhall City Farm that provided 8 new homes at council rent for families on...
Big Garden Birdwatch Join the RSPB for the Big Garden Birdwatch, taking place on 27 - 29 January 2018.
LSCB Young People at Risk Conference The Lambeth Safeguarding Board (LSCB) launched its Young People at Risk Strategy at a Conference attended by agencies from across the Borough.
Tell us your priorities for children with special educational needs Families have already said they want schools, resources and colleges in Lambeth so that local children with education, health and care plans can find local education.
Major agreement on London Living Wage Lambeth Council’s waste contractor Veolia has agreed that staff on the contract will be paid the London Living Wage for the first time.