All posts in Arts, culture and events Read about the latest opportunities to watch, perform or support Lambeth’s world-class arts, culture and events. We are home to hundreds of brilliant venues, creative spaces and the thousands of people who work in them.
Lambeth Heritage Festival – weekly highlights #4 Sponsored this year by the Walcot Foundation and taking place throughout the month of September, this is Lambeth Heritage Festival’s fifth year. With its varied line up - talks,...
Lambeth Heritage Festival – weekend highlights #3 Lambeth Heritage Festival is happening throughout September. Download a 32-page guide with full details of dates and times of 60 events (many free) or ask for one at your...
Brixton £ Café – a thriving community hub Brixton Pound Cafe has a 'pay as you feel' philosophy that means you can enjoy an affordable experience - not easy in Brixton these days! - or be as...
Theatre right up your street Brixton City Festival: Where revolution meets popular entertainment. Radical and exciting voices, right up your street! Thursday 21 - Sunday 24 September.
‘TRiFOCAL’ – Transforming City Food Habits for Life Send in recipes or ‘waste not want not’ food tips, star in a film cooking in your own kitchen – and help Veolia transform food habits in Lambeth and...
Lambeth Heritage Festival – weekly highlights #3 Sponsored this year by the Walcot Foundation and taking place throughout the month of September, this is Lambeth Heritage Festival’s fifth year. With its varied line up - talks,...
Creative Brixton for everyone The Brixton Design Trail is back, starting this Saturday (16 September) and bringing accessible art, creativity and inspiration to the town centre.