All posts in Topic area All posts on Love Lambeth are categorised by one or more topics – which help to explain what the post is about. They include things like: ‘arts, culture and events’, ‘community safety’ and ‘transport’.
Online bin collection day look-up and replacement waste container ordering launched We’ve now added new ways for you to see when your rubbish and recycling will be collected, order replacement waste containers, and manage your garden waste.
SOS: Save Our Stations Lambeth’s Cabinet Member for Healthier and Stronger Communities Councillor Mohammed Seedat has launched a public petition as part of a campaign to protect police stations in the borough.
Mayor’s competition winners announced Lambeth Mayor, Marcia Cameron, recently asked: "What makes you feel proud to be a resident of Lambeth?"
Put yourself on stage with Ovalhouse Creative Summer Schools Ovalhouse is running three exciting theatre summer schools for young dancers, actors and writers/poets/rappers in south London throughout August.
Ride the Brixton Wave! Plan a day of tasting every kind of food and drink, a day of shopping and music - or both - with the Brixton Wave app.
Can I get help with my childcare costs? From September 2017, the Government will offer 30 hours of free childcare per week for parents of three and four year old's, to help them continue or take up...
Carnegie community partner and contractor named as reopening moves closer The re-opening of Carnegie Library moved a step closer this week with contractors due to start on site next month and the preferred community partner being identified.
Lambeth Against FGM We encourage Lambeth children, caregivers, professionals and the public to talk to someone if they suspect there is a plan for a girl to undergo Female Genital Mutilation.