Tulse Hill: Play boost for estate Improvements made to the local environment at the Tulse Hill Estate in partnership with residents
Lambeth welcomes Landmark Domestic Abuse Bill receiving Royal Assent The Domestic Abuse Bill will help to raise awareness to help end all forms of gender-based violence.
Pride 2021 marked in Lambeth The rainbow flag, symbol of LGBTQ+ Pride, will again fly from Lambeth Town Hall to mark Lambeth Council's commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Volunteers’ Week celebrates community in Lambeth Millions of volunteers across the UK make a positive difference to the community. Here in Lambeth they have played an essential role throughout the pandemic - and beyond.
Go Wild with Lambeth Libraries Summer Reading Challenge Lambeth Libraries Summer Reading Challenge Wild World Heroes is all about wildlife and helping the environment – as well as reading books.
Lambeth Council announces £1 million investment in Clapham Common Lambeth Council has announced plans to transform the Clapham Common Paddling Pool as part of a £1 million investment.
Things just got BETTER at your local Lambeth Leisure Centre this half term! There’s something BETTER for young people to do every day in Lambeth’s leisure centres this half term holiday week.
Lambeth: Working with businesses to support Black and Disabled residents into work The No Wrong Door Campaign is being run by Black Thrive London with the support of the council to help Black and Disabled residents