Standing up for private renters Lambeth's Cabinet Member for Housing, Cllr Paul Gadsby, has welcomed the government's announcement that it will look to end unfair evictions in the private rented sector, and called on...
Brixton Library fights holiday hunger Lambeth Council, Brixton Soup Kitchen, and local branches of are teaming up again this school holiday to deliver meals at Brixton Library for kids who normally depend on school...
Crowdfund Lambeth – more support for community projects Lambeth Council, Crowdfunder, groups and organisations across the borough work together turning ideas into reality – now there’s extra help available from Crowdfund Lambeth..
Herne Hill Free Film Festival for Mental Health The 2019 Free Film Festival runs all over Herne Hill SE24 all May until June 1 with the aim of making the experience of cinema accessible to everyone.
Lambeth Council and MP ask government to improve Windrush Compensation Scheme Helen Hayes MP and Cllr Sonia Winifred, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture, have written to the Home Office about the recently announced compensation scheme.
Lambeth fines traders thousands of pounds for selling knives and alcohol to underage kids Our Trading Standards team have had a very successful month of prosecutions for the sale of alcohol and knives to children under 18, helping to make young people in...
Lambeth Councillors join schools to eat and defeat veg Councillors visited local primary schools for vegetable cookery classes as part of the Eat Them to Defeat Them Campaign designed to get 7-11 year olds into healthier eating.
Blowing the final whistle on single use plastic Lambeth schools gave plastic the boot in a day of football with SportsFusion with packed lunches, refillable water bottles and taking part in a recycling challenge.